
Barometer Trends

Cool Air Rentals

616B 35 Ave NE
Calgary AB

mccwx.ca Calgary-Highland Park

Barometers read atmospheric pressure.
Pressure changes rapidly or slowly up & down.
This can indicate what kind of weather approaches.
Here is a guide to interpreting that change.

Click "here" for the current 24hr trend.
Currently the barometer is ... rising slowly.

If the barometer is ...

Rising Rapidly

Expect a general improvement soon.
Winds may rise.


Expect a general improvement in the coming hours.

Rising Slowly

Expect similar. Conditions may improve.


The weather will remain similar.

Falling Slowly

Expect similar. Conditions may get worse.


Expect generally worse weather in the coming hours.

Falling Rapidly

Expect worse weather soon.
A storm may be approaching.

Cool Air Rentals  MCC Weather